-vinyl finally!!

so i've been damn busy the last few weeks (apologies to those whose calls/emails i haven't returned), but i'm back in the saddle this weekend - finishing the first draft of my next feature titled " SonnySideDown". It's still in 'hush-hush' mode but I'll post more deets about it as soon as I can.

So back to vinyl, I picked up several choice album this morning but the first one that hit the needle (if u read the earlier rant -- this is the first record I've played in like 20yrs) was Floyd's 'the final cut'.

WOW - I forgot how great vinyl sounds.

some positives:

1) you can still make those old school mix tapes...'cept vinyl to digital is much warmer that digital to digital...my .02

2) You are listening the the album as the artist/producer intended. None of this shuttle stuff

3) You have to get off your ass if you want to skip a song or to turn the record over.

If you are rockin iTunes exclusively, i would highly recommend that you go out and buy a record player (you can pick up a good sounding one for $50-100).

It's a good musical supplement and you won't be sorry!!!

p.s. - i haven't found The Flamimg Lips 12" yet :(

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